Feb 9Liked by Erifili Gounari

you have articulated perfectly what was only a half naked idea in my mind, thank you!

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Jan 31Liked by Erifili Gounari

Love this as always Erifili 🤩 I am not a TikTok user but totally agree with you that is what social media does to us🤷‍♀️. I think we need to be more mindful about what we consume and what we feed our brain with and judge the information that is put in front of us not just believe it and do what is everyone else is doing. I am always honest and the person in front of me knows exactly how I feel about them. Remember the first tweet we interacted on, the journaling one, that interaction showed how genuine of a person you are.

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Jan 31Liked by Erifili Gounari

as much I leaned into TikTok last year, I feel like it drains energy and gives hope of early stardom and progress. its safe to say people growing up in tiktok era don't have that patience and want to get early stardom get brand deals, they look forward to result rather than enjoying the progress.

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Thanks for sharing! Two main points:

1) push pull only works on

a) men who have no other prospects

b) men who don’t realize they’re being manipulated.

Your friend is actually turning herself into an option for the guy she likes instead of being genuine about her intentions and being the main subject of his desire.

It also speaks to something deeper: she’s not confident a guy she likes will like her for who she is, so she has to manipulate him into liking her, seemingly against his will. These tactics will never lead to a successful pair bonded relationship.

2) TikTok psychology is just a decentralized way to get information. But the key insight is you have no idea if the person giving the advice has achieved the goals you want to achieve. At best it’s aspirational content. At worst it’s clickbait grift.

Compare the content your friend watches with someone like Brene Brown who writes about the power of vulnerability and has a thriving career, several successful books, and a long term healthy marriage as signals of the success of her ideology.

As always I appreciate you sharing and I’d love to hear what you think!

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